The Prayer Platform

The Ark Enterprise

A Mission Aligned Enterprise Platform for
Faith-based Organizations World-wide

The Ark Enterprise Platform Offers the Flexibility to Integrate and Optimize their Technologies into a Single solution Better, Faster and Cheaper, Enabling Organizations to Fulfill their Mission, Collaborate Globally, Thrive and Grow.

One Stop Solution

Opening the Doors to Digital Transformation for Churches, Christian Schools and Non-Profits to Integrate, Automate & Own Your Data. Maximize your Growth Insights with a Powerful Dashboard on our Enterprise Platform

Managed Services Support your Current Ecosystem with a Strategic Pathway to Manage, Optimize and Grow your Organization

The Ark Connect App A Distraction-free, Spiritual Engagement Platform for Every Christian

Trusted Partner for Digital Transformation

We Excel IT Modernization with our Deep Tech Expertise and Global Talent Leads to an Optimal Architecture and Tailored Solutions will help your enterprise long-term with a Smarter IT Spending.

IT services

The Ark Managed IT Services

The IT industry is growing rapidly, so technology needs to Evolve constantly. It’s challenging for organizations to cope with the latest technological advancements to solve IT problems due to a lack of resources or time, or budget. 

The Ark Managed IT services, a team of professional IT experts, and support staffs are here to help lift the burden off your shoulders. Our team has a complete technology stack for you to advance your technology, automate, simplify, and manage your IT Systems at low cost. 

We help your organization to grow Better, Faster and Cheaper. As a Leader, you get more time to focus on your vision and execute it. 

Digital Media Services

The Ark Managed Digital Media Services

In the digital and social media age, sharing regular updates on social media platforms is crucial for engaging the members of an organization. Leaders and Administrators have great ideas to share and reach people, but specialized content creation could be a daunting task. 

 We assist with Media creation like videos, posts and social media management, content creation,  digital marketing & SEO for your organization.  

The Ark Managed Digital Media Services is a team of dedicated, creative content production folks to take your organization’s reach to more audiences on digital platforms. 

We help your organization to grow Better, Faster and Cheaper. As a Leader, you get more time to focus on your vision and execute it. 


Subscription Model

The Ark Connect App

A Safe Place for Every Christian Who Wants a Digital Presence.

Increase your Growth and Visibility and be a part of this great revival mission to bring Unity To the Body of Christ. 

As a registered Church or a Non-Profit, you get the following feature 

Public and Private Posting

Prayer Groups

Post Events

Set Reminders

Shorts & Daily Devotions

Administration Panel

Global Feed

Prayer Diary


Pin Requests

Create Surveys

For more information, Click Here

Community groups

Create groups as per your organization and interact with members of similar interest.

Pin your prayers

Make sure to not miss out on any prayer request and keep all of it in your daily prayer.

Prayer diary

Keep tabs on all your prayers and push them to your “answered prayer” tab

Add testimonials

Add testimonials to your feed for all to view and get instant prayers, support and response

IT services

The Ark Managed IT Services

The IT industry is growing rapidly, so technology needs to Evolve constantly. It’s challenging for organizations to cope with the latest technological advancements to solve IT problems due to a lack of resources or time, or budget. 

The Ark Managed IT services, a team of professional IT experts, and support staffs are here to help lift the burden off your shoulders. Our team has a complete technology stack for you to advance your technology, automate, simplify, and manage your IT Systems at low cost. 

We help your organization to grow Better, Cheaper, and Faster. As a Leader, you get more time to focus on your vision and execute it. 

Digital Media Services

The Ark Managed Digital Media Services

In the digital and social media age, sharing regular updates on social media platforms is crucial for engaging the members of an organization. Leaders and Administrators have great ideas to share and reach people, but specialized content creation could be a daunting task. 

 We assist with Media creation like videos, posts and social media management, content creation,  digital marketing & SEO for your organization.  

The Ark Managed Digital Media Services is a team of dedicated, creative content production folks to take your organization’s reach to more audiences on digital platforms. 

We help your organization to grow Better, Cheaper, and Faster. As a Leader, you get more time to focus on your vision and execute it. 

Responsibilities within the app

Roles at The Ark Connect App

With the app, you can run a Community/Organization or multiple groups as per your decision and the members within your community. We allow you to choose from the following roles within an organization or its groups:





How to Your App Works?

If you are a registered church or community, here is how you can navigate through the app:

Approach the super-admins to join the platform.

Sign the statement of faith to become an admin of a community.

Create your inapp community by inviting members.

Post events and make announcements about church happenings.

Create groups within the community as per your institution’s interest.

Interact with world churches and encourage one another in prayer.

Closer look into the menu

Once you enter the app after registering or logging in, you will be able to create your community by contacting the super admins. Post that you will notice this section of the app which will be on the top of your feed, you will notice three icons, namely: Profile, Home, and Menu.

Just next to all your prayer requests, your posting activity will be recorded. All the posts that you share within the community will be displayed here. In the end, you will be able to log out if you choose to or navigate to other tabs. 


Records all the notifications you get on the post you created or a response you left on any post.

Prayer diary

Keeps record of all your prayer points on a personal level and can then be pushed.

Prayer request

This is a tab that will be prevalent throughout the app and is found in this menu as well.


This tab helps you with reminders of any important prayer that you have lined up or an event.


Our Client Say

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Merathon Jaha Benefits officer

App is available for all devices, consectetur adipisicing elit. Itaqu quod neque eos totam. Delectus quae animi tenetur voluptates esciunt autem, aperiam natus.

Komola kanto Staffing consultant

App is available for all devices, consectetur adipisicing elit. Itaqu quod neque eos totam. Delectus quae animi tenetur voluptates esciunt autem, aperiam natus.

jonsone jon Staffing consultant

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    Our Pricing Table

    This Appino application delivers the most trusted services for your bussin ess to succeed in the global app environment Lorem ipsum dolor


    $ 109 / Month
    • 15 Analytics Compaign
    • Unlimited Site licenses
    • 1 Database
    • 10 Free Optimization
    • Html5 + Css3
    • Unlimited Email
    • 24/7 Customer Support


    $ 109 Month
    • 15 Analytics Compaign
    • Unlimited Site licenses
    • 1 Database
    • 10 Free Optimization
    • Html5 + Css3
    • Unlimited Email
    • 24/7 Customer Support


    $ 199 Month
    • 15 Analytics Compaign
    • Unlimited Site licenses
    • 1 Database
    • 10 Free Optimization
    • Html5 + Css3
    • Unlimited Email
    • 24/7 Customer Support


    $ 109 / Month
    • 15 Analytics Compaign
    • Unlimited Site licenses
    • 1 Database
    • 10 Free Optimization
    • Html5 + Css3
    • Unlimited Email
    • 24/7 Customer Support


    $ 109 Month
    • 15 Analytics Compaign
    • Unlimited Site licenses
    • 1 Database
    • 10 Free Optimization
    • Html5 + Css3
    • Unlimited Email
    • 24/7 Customer Support